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Kees Barten (1953)lives and works in Maastricht (NL)

Painting is entering into substances (substances). It is the wonder and delight of their unexpected forms and feelings. The material from which the painting consists is not shown as 'it doesn't matter what kind of stuff', an arbitrary substance, but as something that helps determine the form and character of the painting. The paint surface becomes skin. The paint surface becomes outside and thus implies inside. Paint stimulates movement, or thought of movement, through which feelings and other wordless experiences shine. That is why painting is art: not only because it gives us trees and faces and beautiful things to see, but because paint is a finely tuned antenna, responding to every unnoticed movement of the painter's hand, capturing the subtlest shadow of a thought in color and texture. In that sense, as a painter you not only enter your painting, but the painting also enters you.

Grinding is the End Rings in Matter, in Substances. Es ist das Erstaunen und das Entzücken über ihre unerwarteten Formen und Anmutungen.  Das Material, aus dem die Malerei besteht, wird nicht gezeigt as „irgendwas, das saufälgendes“, will be zeigdesiges hilft, who will bestimmen Form und den Charakter der Malerei. Farboberfläche wird zur Haut, wird zum Außen und impliziert so das Innen. Farbe erzeugt Bewegung- oder Gedanken an Bewegung, lässt Gefühle und other wortlose Erfahrungen durchscheinen. Deshalb ist Malen wirklich Kunst: nicht nur weil es uns Bäume und Gesichter und other beautiful things. In diesem Sinne du as Maler nicht nur in deine Malerei einsondern die Malerei durchdringt auch dich.


Painting is like entering substances. It is the astonishment and delight about their unexpected forms and emotions. The material of which the painting exists is not shown as 'it doesn't matter what kind of stuff', some arbitrary substance, but as something which helps constituting the form and character of the painting. The surface paint becomes skin. The surface paint becomes exterior which implies interior. The paint incites motion, or the thought of motion, through which emotions and other wordless experiences shimmer. That is why painting is art after all: not solely because it shows us trees and faces and beautiful things, but because paint is like a fine antenna, reacting to every unnoticed movement of the hand of the painter, meanwhile fixing the most subtle shadow of a thought into colors and texture. In that sense as a painter you not only enter the painting but the painting also enters you.

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